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6:00 PM, Saturday, February 08, 2025

6-10 Day Forecast Map


    MIDWEST - For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, corn belt temperatures will average near 29.5 F which is -1.8F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.61". Approximately 82% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 82%. For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, the western corn belt temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL. Eastern corn belt temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.

    NORTHEAST - For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, megalopolis area temperatures will average near 31.0 F which is -3.8 F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.71". Approximately 100% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 100%.For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, The Megalopolis temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.

    DELTA/SOUTHEAST - For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, delta area temperatures will average near 49.4 F which is 3.1 F from normal. Rainfall will average 1.93". Approximately 100% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 100%.For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, the Delta region temperatures will be NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL. The southeast region temperatures will be ABOVE NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.

    NORTHERN 1/2 PLAINS - For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, spring wheat temperatures will average near 7.5 F which is -11.0 F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.19". Approximately 12% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 12%.For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, the spring wheat temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.

    SOUTHERN 1/2 PLAINS - For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, winter wheat temperatures will average near 28.3 F which is -6.4 F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.36". Approximately 78% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more.. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 78%.For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, the winter wheat temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.


      MIDWEST - Livestock feed needs will be normal for this time of the year.

      DELTA/SOUTHEAST - Livestock feed needs will be normal for this time of the year.

      NORTHERN 1/2 PLAINS - Warmer than normal temperatures will reduce livestock feed needs.

      SOUTHERN 1/2 PLAINS - Warmer than normal temperatures will reduce livestock feed needs.


1-5 Day Forecast Map

MIDWESTERN U.S. (NE to OH and central MN to southern IL)

    Yesterday's temperatures across the western corn belt averaged 69.0 F about 5.8 F from normal. Rainfall averaged 0.07". Approximately 4% of the area received a 0.25" or more. Yesterday's temperatures across the eastern corn belt averaged 71.5 F about 7.8 F from normal. Rainfall averaged 0.01". Approximately 0% of the area will received a 0.25" or more.

    For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, corn belt temperatures will average near 29.5 F which is -1.8F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.61". Approximately 82% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 82%.

6-10 Day Forecast Map SOUTHEASTERN U.S. (Delta east to Carolinas)

    For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, delta area temperatures will average near 49.4 F which is 3.1 F from normal. Rainfall will average 1.93". Approximately 100% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 100%.

    For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, the Delta region temperatures will be NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL. The southeast region temperatures will be ABOVE NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.

NORTHERN PLAINS (ND to northern NE, eastern MT, eastern WY, northwest MN)

    Yesterday's temperatures across the spring wheat belt averaged 57.8 F about 1.5 F from normal. Rainfall averaged 0.12". Approximately 11% of the area received a 0.25" or more.

    For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, spring wheat temperatures will average near 7.5 F which is -11.0 F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.19". Approximately 12% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 12%.

SOUTHERN PLAINS (southern NE to northern TX)

    Yesterday's temperatures across the winter wheat belt averaged 72.3 F about 7.3 F from normal. Rainfall averaged 0.04". Approximately 7% of the area received a 0.25" or more.

    For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, winter wheat temperatures will average near 28.3 F which is -6.4 F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.36". Approximately 78% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more.. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 78%.


    For the 1-5 day outlook February 8-February 13, megalopolis area temperatures will average near 31.0 F which is -3.8 F from normal. Rainfall will average 0.71". Approximately 100% of the area will receive a 0.25" or more. This compares to the earlier estimate today of 100%.

    For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, The Megalopolis temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.


    For the 6-10 day outlook, February 13-February 17, the western corn belt temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL. Eastern corn belt temperatures will be BELOW NORMAL. Rainfall will be ABOVE NORMAL.

1-10 Day and 1-15 Precipitation Forecast Map

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    Freese - Notis Weather
    Des Moines, IA 50312
    United States of America
    Tel (515) 770-3598

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Web Page Design Revised last - June 14, 2023