Friday, January 17, 2025
- Argentina will get relief from the dry pattern this season this weekend into early next week as scattered showers will move into the country. Rain totals will be in the .50-1.50" range in most areas which will add to the soil moisture and improve the corn and soybean crop condition for the short term. It looks drier, but not completely dry, for the 6-10 and 11-15 day outlooks with near to below normal precipitation, exceot some above northern areas. While the short term looks better in Argentina, the dry trend afterward will leave some locations in need for more moisture longer range. Southern Brazil has been drier than normal in recent weeks, but will see increasing rainfall over the next ten days with above normal precipitation. This will replenish any dry soils for this region. Northern Brazil could use a break from the wet pattern and will become drier after the 1-5 day period with below normal precip for the 6-10 and 11-15 day cycles.